Tuesday December 2, 3pm EST: Mitchell is featuring the progressive documentary this week called Carbon Nation. It takes a good, long and hard look at what the exploitation of fossil fuels have done to our to our air, water, health and overall environment and society. It then moves into solutions, real alternatives to the use of fossil fuels for powering our society as well as ways of building community around farms, food and deeper, more respectful relationship to our environment and Earth.
Click below to watch the trailer:
Joining Mitchell on the Round Table to discuss the themes of the film are its director and producer, Peter Byck and writer, journalist Ted Genoways.
Peter Byck has over 20 years experience as a director and editor. His first documentary “Garbage” won the South by Southwest Film Festival. (It screened in scores of festivals in the U.S. and Europe and played at the Museum of Modern Art and Lincoln Center).
In addition, he has edited documentaries for Peter Jackson’s last two films, “Lord of the Rings” and “King Kong.” Peter has also worked as an editor or director for documentaries and promotional shorts for Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, 20th Century Fox, MTV, Vh1, BBC, Disney and MGM, for shows and movies including “The West Wing,” “The Matrix,” “Scrubs,” “er” and many more.
In 1986, Peter received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from California Institute of the Arts.
Byck has also just joined the faculty at Arizona State University, in both the School of Sustainability and the Cronkite School
of Journalism. During the filming and editing of carbon nation, Byck has met and collaborated with the leading minds from the world of climate, clean energy, military applications and land use. Byck’s contacts span the globe – keeping him up-to-date on the fast moving frontier of the clean energy revolution. Byck is currently in production for carbon nation 2.0 – an on-going series of short films promoting a low carbon economy, produced in affiliation with ASU.
Peter has presented Carbon Nation for Boeing, Nike, Google, Microsoft, Walmart.com, SC Johnson, Stonyfield, Carbon War Room, Shell, White House CEQ, CarbonTrade Ex, NetImpact, Social Venture Network. AREDAY, Metcalf Institute @ U of R.I., PEW-BICEP, Prince Charles’ B.E.P. program @ Cambridge University, R.I.S.D., Art Center (Pasadena),Yale University, Conservation International, Louisville Fund for the Arts & many other universities, companies and high schools across the country and internationally.
Ted Genoways is an award-winning poet, journalist, and editor. In addition to The Chain, he is the author of two books of poems and the nonfiction book Walt Whitman and the Civil War: America’s Poet During the Lost Years of 1860–1862, named a Best Academic Title of 2010 by the American Library Association.
Genoways is also a contributing editor at Mother Jones and his essays and poetry have appeared in The Atlantic, Bloomberg Businessweek, Harper’s, The New Republic, Outside, and the Washington Post Book World.