Monday Jul 28, 2014
Progressive Documentary Hour - Forks Over Knives - 07/28/14
Monday Jul 28, 2014
Monday Jul 28, 2014
Tonight’s guest is Dr. Gabriel Cousens M.D., M.D.(H.), N.D.(h.c.), D.D., Diplomate Ayurveda, Diplomate American Board of Holistic Medicine. Gabriel functions as a true and complete holistic physician, homeopath, psychiatrist, family therapist, Ayurvedic practitioner, Chinese herbalist, world leading diabetes researcher, ecological leader, spiritual master, founder and director of Tree of Life Foundation, Tree of Life Center US, Cousens School of Holistic Wellness, and bestselling author of the books There Is a Cure for Diabetes, Conscious Eating, Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and Awakening of Kundalini, Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine, Creating Peace by Being Peace, Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment, and Depression Free for Life.
The other member of the Roundtable is Viktoras Kulvinskas. , Viktoras has been carrying the message of the imperatives of eating raw foods, taking enzyme-based nutritional supplements and living holistically for many years. He has an amazing history that has resulted in millions of people seeking a natural way to live and often healing themselves of illness. He rightly takes into consideration the whole person, with an understanding of how, in addition to the physical components, mental, emotional and spiritual issues affect our health.